Oracle is an Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS)
Before discussing about ORDBMS, I would like to discuss about DBMS, RDBMS.
What is DBMS?
DBMS → Database Management System
- DBMS is a software for creating and managing Databases
- Provide users to store, retrieve, update and delete the data
- Manages the data efficiently and securely
What is RDBMS?
RDBMS → Relational Database Management System
- A Database Management System based on relational model
- Relational model was invented by E.F. Codd
- Proposed rules to define RDBMS. i.e; Codd Rules
- Data should be stored in structured format i.e.; Table
- and create relation among the tables
Table → Rows and Columns
What is ORDBMS?
ORDBMS → Object Relational Database Management System
- Satisfies all propertied of RDBMS
- Support classes, objects and inheritance in database schema and in SQL query
Object and Classes are part of Object Oriented Programming. Ex: Java
We can access methods created inside Java class within Oracle Objects using jar files.
To create a jar file, compile the Java code and will get .class files if code has no errors. then create jar file using below sample commands
> jar -cvf filename.jar classfile
> jar -cvf filename.jar directory_of_classfiles
- c → create
- v → verbose (we can see all information while generating jar file)
- f → file
You can consider RDBMS is advance version of DBMS and ORDBMS is advance version of RDBMS.
Interview Questions:
- What is DBMS, RDBMS and ORDBMS?
- Difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
- Difference between RDBMS and ORDBMS?
Next, We’re going to discuss about “ACID Properties” [ ]